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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

Zachary Morgan Cilwa-Rizzo

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/26/2024
Page Views: 6781
Photos of my amazing grandson, Zachary.
Name:Zachary Morgan Rizzo
Born:May 22, 1999 12:17 AM
FatherJames Vincent Rizzo
MotherJennifer Ann Cilwa-Rizzo
Age:25 years

Portrait of Zachary

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 5/22/2022
Page Views: 2867
Topics: #ZacharyMorganCilwaRizzo
A year-by-year look at the amazing young man who is my grandson.

Please enjoy my living portrait of this amazing young man as he has grown from infancy to adulthood!

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Zach's 1st Karate Meet

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 2/10/2024
Page Views: 467
Topics: #Zach
It was his first martial arts meet in YEARS.

Zach, who left martial arts quite a few years ago, decided two weeks ago to return to the karate aspect of it. So, of course, he had his first meet. Today.

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Zach's 24th Birthday

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 5/22/2023
Page Views: 554
Topics: #Zach
We celebrate Zach's birthday, Karen's visit, Max's visit, and a new puppy.

Wow, how is it possible that that little baby we welcomed to the world in 1999, could possibly be now turning 24? —But he has, and this birthday is especially special, because to help him celebrate is his long-lost cousin Max, who is just now visiting the USA after having spent his childhood in France. Plus, we have a new puppy!

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70 Charlton Street

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 3/11/2019
Posted: 7/2/2024
Page Views: 251
Topics: #Zach
My eldest grandson has become a professional filemmaker.

My eldest grandson, Zachary, is currently in New York City, attending a prestigious music school there. He's already been paid to compose music for a documentary, so technically he is a professional. And he was contacted by a Manhattan real estate agent who requested Zach do a video for an expensive piece of real estate that had just come up for sale, for $500.

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Zach's High School Graduation

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 5/31/2017
Page Views: 3224
Topics: #Family #Zachary
All the photos from Zach's graduation ceremony.

It is with enormous pride that I present our family's newest high school graduate, Zachary Morgan Rizzo.

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Zachary M. Rizzo Resume

By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 3844
Topics: #ZacharyRizzo #Resume
Zach's resume for his music conservatory.

Zachary Rizzo, composer, is a 17-year-old senior in high school, who lives in Chandler, Arizona (not far from Phoenix). He studies with Anthony Aibel. His primary instruments are guitar and voice, and he hopes to attend a music conservatory in the fall.

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Zachary's Second Red Belt

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 2/6/2010
Page Views: 7235
Topics: #Karate #Zachary #EastMesaMixedMartialArts
Zachary runs, jumps and kicks his way to his final belt before Black in Mixed Martial Arts.

Today was the ceremony for Zachary's receiving his Second Red Belt in Mixed Martial Arts. This is the final belt before he actually achieves Black Belt. The ceremony is not a static affair; the participants got to display their prowess and proud parents got to take action photos.

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BMXing With Zach

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 12/30/2009
Page Views: 6937
Topics: #Zachary #BMX
Zach goes extreme biking with his new Christmas present.

As previously detailed, my grandson Zach got a BMX bike for Christmas. Such a present must be used to be enjoyed; so his mother and Michael took him to a nearby bike park for each of the past three days so he could practice doing stunts on it. Today Michael and I took him; and of course, I brought my camera.

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Zachary, Sparring

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 4/18/2009
Page Views: 8474
Topics: #Zachary #Karate
For family fun, we watch Zach beat the crap out of some poor kid.

Today was Gay Pride in Phoenix (we have it early because of the excessive June heat) but Michael and I didn't go. That's because we were at Grandpa Pride: Our grandson, Zachary, won First Place at a karate sparring competition, the East Valley Classic, and we were there.

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Zachary's Letter From Santa 2008

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 12/25/2008
Page Views: 7705
Topics: #Zachary #Christmas #SantaClaus
Zach gets behind another seasonal tradition.

Each year on Christmas Eve, Zachary, who is nine-going-on-thirty, places a plate of Christmas cookies he's baked himself (under guidance, of course) and a glass of milk on a tray table near the tree for Santa. Since he's been able to write, he's also written Santa a note. Santa always leaves a reply. Zachary's note this year was so sweet and sincere, and Santa's reply so insightful, that we agreed I should share them with you.

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Zachary's Trophy

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 11/17/2008
Page Views: 8087
Topics: #Zachary #Karate
Zach wins a trophy for his performance in a karate sparring match.

While Mary and I were in Virginia and the District of Columbia, Zachary was home in Arizona winning a karate trophy.

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Zach Makes Blue Belt

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 11/7/2008
Page Views: 7504
Topics: #Zachary #Karate
Zach earns his blue belt in karate.

This evening Zachary was tested for, and received, his Blue Belt in karate. I of course took pictures.

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Halloween 2008

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 10/31/2008
Page Views: 5657
Topics: #Zachary #Halloween
We go all-out for Halloween.

My, how the year flies! It's Halloween already. Michael has purchased enough candy to fill Fort Knox, got himself and Zachary outfitted with costumes and even bought me one, knowing that I don't usually have the time or energy to devote to the holiday, myself.

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Cub Scout Camping at Bear Canyon Lake

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 6/1/2008
Page Views: 6439
Topics: #Camping #CubScouts #BearCanyonLake #Arizona #Zachary
Zach and I go on his Cub Scout camping trip.

We're back from camping at Bear Canyon Lake up on the Mogollon Rim, a little northeast of Payson. By "we" I mean me, my grandson Zachary, and some 15 other Cub Scouts and their parents and families. And other than a little car trouble, the weekend went perfectly.

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Zach's Sunsplash Birthday Party

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 5/24/2008
Page Views: 9624
Topics: #Zachary #SunSplash
Zach's 9th Birthday Party at SunSplash, a local water park.

Zachary turned 9 on May 22, but we celebrated it today with a party for his friends at SunSplash.

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Zach's Award

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 5/23/2008
Page Views: 4620
Topics: #Zachary
Just one more reason to be proud of Zachary!

Today was the last day of school for Zach, our only grade-schooler. That means he is now ready for fourth grade, which he will be entering in the fall. And he got an award!

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Zachary Gets His Orange Belt

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 4/15/2008
Page Views: 7410
Topics: #Humor #Zachary #Karate
Zach earns his orange belt in karate.

They grow up so fast. This past weekend, Zachary graduated into his Orange Belt in Karate. (The progression is white-yellow-orange). At this stage, he is actually "tested" in class, with his classmates, as they go along and orange "tips" are added to their yellow belts. Then they have a graduation.

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Bear Cub

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 2/29/2008
Page Views: 1635
Topics: #Zachary #CubScouts
Zach achieves his Bear patch in Cub Scouts.

What's so great about this is that Zachary has really worked hard to meet all the requirements for this milestone…and so have all the members of his extended family, with some (especially Michael "Baby Papa" and Jenny, his Mommy) helping with craft-type requirements like building his soapbox derby racer; some (Karen "Aunt K-K" and Mary, his grandmother) guiding him through book requirements like American history stories and home safety; and me ("Big Papa") accompanying him on camping trips and most of his weekly meetings. So it has really brought the family together, as if we didn't already orbit this little star.

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Chasing Rockets

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 2/2/2008
Page Views: 6997
Topics: #Zachary #CubScouts
Zach shoots for the stars.

This weekend's adventure occurred Saturday when I drove Zachary to his Cub Scout pack's annual rocket launching.

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It's Good To Be Yellow

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 1/27/2008
Page Views: 1569
Topics: #Zachary #Karate
Zachary attains his Yellow Belt in karate.

More Zachary news: On Friday, Zach went to the central karate place to be tested for his yellow belt.

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Karate Kids

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 11/9/2007
Page Views: 8062
Topics: #Zachary #Karate
Zach returns to the world of martial arts.

No matter how busy things get, never miss an opportunity—or, if need be, make an opportunity—to take your grandson to karate class.

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Do Unto Udders

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 10/31/2007
Page Views: 8261
Topics: #Zachary #Arizona
Zach's Cub Scout troop visit a dairy farm.

Last night I took Zachary to the Superstition Farm, a local dairy farm that gives tours, on a Cub Scout function. I lived on a wannabe farm in Vermont when I was Zach's age, but since we never actually grew anything while I was there, or milked anything but Nanny the Goat, I found the workings of a real farm to be fascinating. And the best part was, the farm was no more than ten minutes from our house!

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Camping at Coon Bluff

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 10/22/2007
Page Views: 5961
Topics: #Arizona #Camping #SaltRiver #Zachary #CubScouts
Zach's first Cub Scout camping experience.

This past weekend, Zach spent at his first-ever Cub Scout camping trip. Unlike Boy Scouts, where the members of a troop camp under the watchful eyes of a scoutmaster and maybe one or two assistants, younger Cub Scouts go to a common area and camp "with their families" but spend the days in activities with their pack. That leaves the parents free to do parent things…which, in my case, meant a planned weekend of sleeping.

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B-Ball With Zach

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 10/7/2007
Page Views: 5191
Topics: #Zachary
Shooting hoops with my grandson.

After he'd spent four hours or so playing video games on a beautiful Saturday, and insisted there was "nothing to do" outside, the entire family was forced to rouse itself up off the sofa and go with Zachary to the neighborhood basketball court to shoot some hoops with him.

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Fair Weather, Foul Tires

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 9/13/2007
Page Views: 5375
Topics: #Arizona #Photography #Zachary
Against a backdrop of dramatic skies, Zach changes his first tire.

A song in the forties used to begin, "It's always fair weather when hep cats get together." Here in Arizona, it's always fair weather even when storms approach, because they provide such beautifully spectacular examples of rainbows and sun-hearted clouds that there's just no element of depression about them. (As opposed to, say, Manchester, New Hampshire, where the entire winter is one gray mudball.)

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Yet Another Pet

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 5/31/2007
Page Views: 7535
Topics: #Humor #KarenHopeCilwa #Cats #Dogs
In which we get a cat.

The first I knew of it was when a parade entered the house: Karen carrying a kitty litter tray, Michael carrying a bag of kitty litter, Mary carrying a semi-enclosed, fleece-lined kitten bed, and finally Zachary carrying a cardboard box with a handle on the top and air holes on side, saying, "Guess what we got?!"

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Zachary's 7th Birthday Trip

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 5/19/2006
Page Views: 6140
Topics: #Zachary #Travel #California #McGrathStateBeach #CruiseAmerica
We celebrate Zach's birthday with a trip to California beaches!

We decided to celebrate my grandson Zachary's birthday with a trip. The original plan was to rent a motor home, drive it to California, spend Saturday at Disneyland, Sunday at McGrath State Beach, and return in time for work Monday morning. I did the math about six weeks ago, and started putting aside the money for it, paying in advance where possible. Unfortunately, my plans didn't quite work out.

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First Fishing

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 2/5/2004
Page Views: 4595
Photos of my grandson, Zachary Morgan Cilwa

"Daddy" (Aunt Karen) gave Zachary his first fishing pole! You never saw a more excited boy…until she gave him the fishing worms! He spent about a half hour "fishing," and the rest of the day playing with his "worm friends," whom he named.

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Tree Climbing

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 8/10/2003
Page Views: 4611
Zachary's first attempt at taming the mighty redwood.

Zachary expressed an interest in tree climbing. So the Papas (that's me, "Big Papa", taking the pictures and Michael, "Baby Papa", assisting) took him to a couple of trees near our house to give him a chance.

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Fists of Steel

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 3/30/2003
Page Views: 4769
Zachary's first karate recital.

Zachary has been attending karate lessons given by Karate Charlie. We recently attended a recital of the skills the youngsters are learning. About thirty kids ran onto the stage and demonstrated patience, gymnastic skills, and great enthusiasm. They mostly ranged in age from four to six—Zachary was the youngest, at three, but had no problem keeping up with the older kids in attention or skill.

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The Many Faces of Little Zach

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 2/6/2000
Page Views: 1767
The little guy is just so cute I can't stop taking pictures of him!

I'm sure every baby is as photogenic as our Zach. But not every baby has a doting grandfather with a digital still and video camera!

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Zach's First Grand Canyon Visit

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 11/6/1999
Posted: 5/22/2018
Page Views: 2476
Topics: #Zach #GrandCanyon
They say you never forget your first trip to Grand Canyon. Unfortunately, Zach might. So here are the photos!

Zach was just 5 months old when we (Michael, Mary, Karen and John) took him to see Grand Canyon for the first time. We didn't expect any of it to register; but he gazed with fascination at the sunset, and the next day, at the view.

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Zach at 1 Week

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 5/27/1999
Page Views: 2834
Topics: #Family #Zachary
Pictures of my first grandson at one week old.

At one week old, Zach could eat, sleep and poop. In addition, he had a superpower that I noticed right off the bat: He had a calming influence on those around him. Even when he was cranky, people around him seemed to react with less angst than is usually the case with a newborn.

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Zach Meets His Great-Grandmother

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 5/26/1999
Page Views: 2742
Topics: #Family #Zachary
Pictures of the day my first grandson met his great-grandmother.

My mom was visiting during the month Zachary was born, and of course could not wait to meet him.

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Zach Meets Gramma

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 5/25/1999
Page Views: 2801
Topics: #Family #Zachary
Pictures of the day my first grandson met his maternal grandmother.

When Zach was born, his mom lived with a friend in a small apartment in Snowflake, Arizona. We had given Zach's mom, Jenny, a few days to rest before his grandmother Mary, and I met the little guy for the first time.

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Zachary's Astrological Chart

By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 3365
Topics: #Astrology
Zachary's stars!

You like new ideas and concepts, but you prefer to discover them by yourself—it is not easy for others to convert you to anything. You form your own opinions, but once you do form them, you then want to convince everyone else that they are correct. Try to be more tolerant of the opinions of others. You have a deep and abiding interest in science, mathematics, and the great social problems of the day. Very sympathetic toward the downtrodden, equality is your battle cry! You demand that those in authority be fair to all. You are an intellectual—emotions and emotional people are difficult for you to understand. You are known for being calm, cool, detached and objective.

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Zach Is Born

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 5/22/1999

Milestone: #Birth
Page Views: 4783
Topics: #Zachary
The birth of my first grandson.

Milestone: Birth
Who: Zachary Morgan Cilwa Rizzo
Date and time: May 22, 1999 12:17 AM
Location: Show Low, Arizona
Father: James Vincent Rizzo (adoptive)
Mother: Jennifer Ann Cilwa

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