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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

Tour of Lot D

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 5/3/2024
Occurred: 7/7/2021
Page Views: 678
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
My daughter has decided to sell one of our two lots..

My daughter, Jenny, has decided to sell one of our two lots as 28 acres is really too much to care for. (The invasive turkey berries are rapidly overtaking us.) So the real estate agent asked if I could take some photos and maybe a video of the lot we are selling; and of course I was happy to oblige.

This is heading toward our cabin on a sort-of road.

This is a field across from our neighbor Chris's water tank, where we usually shower and obtain our water for drinking and cleaning, until we get our own (sometime soon, I hope! Maybe tomorrow!)

This is the fence behind our cabin, which we thought ended the property. But, in actuality, the property extends about a hundred yards further, meaning those are our banana trees!

It appears our banana trees are bearing fruit! I'm looking forward to trying them. These are "apple bananas" said to be quite delicious.

According to the property map, Lot D has a spike that runs clear down to Ulaino Road. This gate may provide access to that.