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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind


By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 5/4/2024
Occurred: 7/6/2021
Page Views: 695
Topics: #Coronavirua #Maui
We try to eat a local fruit.

Our friend, Kai, owns and runs a fruit stand about a mile from our property; and he gave me a fruit that, he says, he grows on his property and is considered a delicacy. It's called a "Soursop". So, as soon as we got it home, we attempted to cut it open to eat it. And that turned out to take longer than anticipated.

This is fairly large fruit, smaller than a watermelon, about the same size as a pineapple.

I had no idea the fruit could be so hard. I regretted not bringing my ginzu knives from Arizona. But, finally, it was done and I hacked off a couple of pieces for Keith and I to taste.

It tasted like damp cardboard. But when I mentioned that to Kai, he said, "You didn't wait for it to ripen?" Apparently the tourists who buy these expect to take them home with them, and for the fruit to survive the trip.

So, I'll have to try again.