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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind


By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/26/2024
Page Views: 1273
Topics: #Oregon #UnitedStates #Travel
My trips to the Beaver State!

Land of Gorges, Mountains and Hot Springs

Oregon state flag

Oregon is my second-favorite state. (The first, of course, is sweet-home-Arizona.) Although I've never lived here, I visit whenever possible.

When I drove a big rig during 2002-2003, I made numerous passes through Oregon and always made sure to visit McCredie Hot Springs east of Oak Ridge. But I've also been privileged to vacation in Oregon. Here are some of my favorites.


By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 8/22/2007
Page Views: 1568
Topics: #McCredieHotSprings #Travel
Sometimes, the need to get away from it all can be overwhelming.

I'm one of those people—I assume not the only one!—who, every now and then, simply must return to a natural setting to reconnect and regain my balance. I was going to say, "recharge my batteries" but that would be an inappropriate metaphor, because for me to reconnect (another electrical term!) I have to get away from batteries, television, computers, cars, carbon monoxide, and the other trappings of our self-congratulatory, so-called "civilization."

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Columbia River Gorges

By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 1159
Topics: #ColumbiaRiverGorge #Oregon #MultnomahFalls #WahkeenaFalls #OneontaFalls
Photos and text describing our 2001 trip to the Columbia River Gorge.

The beautiful Columbia River, which separates Washington and Oregon, has cut a deep gorge in the Cascade mountains, which we visited the next day. Donald drove Michael and I out there, while Liz and Logan, and Michelle, Ismael, Michael, and Addie, drove separately in Ismael and Michelle's van. We agreed to meet at Multnomah Falls, one of the more spectacular of the side gorges that feed the Columbia.

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Oregon Hot Springs

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 9/17/2007
Page Views: 435
Topics: #HotSprings
A visit to a couple of Oregon's hidden hot springs.

Michael and I just spent a mini-vacation in Oregon's Cascade Mountains, soaking in hot springs and driving in the unparalleled beauty of the coastal high country. Here's the report and photos.

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You May Be From Oregon If You…

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 9/26/2015
Page Views: 1188
Topics: #Oregon
Little hints that, no matter where you are, you may have come from the beaver state.

I do have friends and in-laws who live in Oregon. Perhaps they'll get a chuckle out of this reminder.

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