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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

New York

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/27/2024
Page Views: 1272
All about trips I've made to the great State of New York.
New York state flag

As a child growing up in New Jersey, I accompanied my family on several trips to New York (for example, we visited the Bronz Zoo a couple of times) but I didn't know it was New York. By the time I was old enough to really understand the concept of states and countries, we had moved to Florida and were too far away for a casual visit.

In fact, it wasn't until my first really big trip on my own, to Vermont, was I able to drive through the state—and the city—of New York.

And, as they say—it's a great place to visit!

A Day In New York

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 12/7/2008
Page Views: 1143
Topics: #Places #NewYork #JeffHarnar
In which I spend a day and a night in New York City, visiting an old friend and meeting a new one.

As regular readers of this blog know, my daughter, Karen, recently became a flight attendant which means I can fly for free (or nearly free) anywhere her airline or its partners go. So, this weekend, I decided to spend a day in New York City.

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Michael's 40th Class Reunion

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 10/18/2009
Page Views: 1161
Topics: #Places #NewYork #Eastchester
I accompany Michael to his 40th high school reunion.

Michael's 40th high school reunion promised to be more stressful, as his relatively large class of 260 graduates had not kept in close touch through the years (with some exceptions), and its members had each had a small circle of friends rather than everyone knowing everyone well, as was the case in my high school. Moreover, Michael would have to not only come out of the closet for the first time to most of his classmates, but have to explain an unrelated name change. So he really wanted me there for moral support, as did our friend, Barbara, who was the only one of his classmates with whom Michael had kept in close touch.

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