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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

New Mexico

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/27/2024
Page Views: 1328
Topics: #Places #NewMexico
All about my visits to the Land of Enchantment
New Mexico state flag

The Land of Enchantment is next door to my adopted home state of Arizona. I haven't made as many trips there as I'd like, but I look forward to making more!

Camping Tour of New Mexico

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 2/1/2016
Page Views: 1250
Topics: #Places #NewMexico
All about the trip my boyfriend Keith and I took through the State of New Mexico. Including many amazing photos!

When Keith and I started dating, he wanted me to see New Mexico, the state in which he had done most of his growing up. It's a bit of a trip, and there were a number of places Keith wanted to see and/or show me in the state; so we decided to make a north-to-south loop and see everything.

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Shiprock, New Mexico

By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 1321
Topics: #Places #Shiprock #NewMexico
All the photos and text describing my trips to the home of the Navajo people.

Most of my husbandé's relatives live in or near the town of Shiprock, New Mexico. In addition to its being the seat of Navajo Tribal Government, it happens to lie in an extremely beautiful part of the state and is named after a spectacular rock formation that arises seemingly out of nowhere.

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