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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind


By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/26/2024
Page Views: 1198
Topics: #Tonopah #CentralArizona #Arizona #Travel
All the adventures and photos from my trips to Tonopah, Arizona.

Tonopah is a small town about 40 miles west of downtown Phoenix. However, it is home to a hot spring that is a favorite of mine, as well as some spectacular scenery.

Camping at El Dorado Hot Spring

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 3/21/2010
Page Views: 1937
Topics: #ElDoradoHotSpring #Tonopah #Arizona #HotSprings
We camp overnight at El Dorado Hot Spring.

One of my goals for this year is to take Zachary camping more often. However, it was his mother, Jenny, who announced that we would be going this weekend. I suggested El Dorado Hot Spring, where she'd been once before, and off we went!

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Saddle Mountain

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 4/17/2010
Page Views: 1676
Topics: #Tonopah #Arizona #SaddleMountain #Photography
I go 4-wheeling in the Sonoran Desert.

About 40 miles west of Phoenix just south of I-10 at Tonopah, are a pair of volcanic mountains linked by a saddle of lower hills. The more dramatic western peak is Saddle Mountain. It is composed of lighter-colored lava, tuff and rhyolite. The eastern peaks are nearly black basaltic lava of the Quaternary Age. I spent today driving my SUV around Saddle Mountain, getting photos and enjoying the solitude.

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Little Steps in Tonopah

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 12/18/2010
Page Views: 1096
Topics: #Tonopah #HotSpring #Arizona
Some friends and I test the gay-friendliness of a small Arizona town.

Meanwhile, Cowboy was talking to Brett about Raffle Lady and how she rescues condemned dogs and cats and how, whenever she finds an injustice, she does her best to rectify it. "She doesn't even know the woman," he said, marveling. "It's a friend of a friend. But when she found out the woman needed more money to complete the adoption process, why, she up and made this raffle thing happen on her own, got the prize donated and has been selling tickets right and left. All for a stranger who needs help!"

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Camping at El Dorado with Dogs

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 3/19/2019
Page Views: 1137
Topics: #Places #Tonopah #Arizona #ElDoradoHotSpring
We take Ella and Lilly to experience camp life.

One of our favorite spots to camp is at El Dorado Hot Spring in Tonopah. This was a first, however: taking the doggies there. Nothing spectacular wound up happening; but I did get some nice shots. So, without further ado, here they are!

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Dogs in Hot Water

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 5/19/2019
Posted: 2/21/2020
Page Views: 1587
Topics: #Places #Arizona #Tonopah #ElDoradoHotSpring
We let the dogs swim in a hot spring.

We had such a lovely time camping with the dogs in Tonopah a couple months ago, that we decided to go back. And, this time, we let the dogs swim in the hot spring water, too! (Trust me, where they swam was more luke-warm water than hot.)

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A Tour of Desert Pete's Desert

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 3/2/2024
Page Views: 423
Topics: #Arizona #Tonopah #ElDoradoHotSpring #DesertPete #TonopahDesert
The area north of El Dorado Hot Spring is beautiful in its own right.

So it's the beginning of March, and, armed with a fresh Social Security payment, I decided to get my hair cut (it's been two months; and by 'hair', I mean 'beard'). And that was so I wouldn't look like a homeless person when I made my monthly visit to the hot spring at Tonopah. And I decided, on this trip, in between soaking, I would explore a little to the north of the springs, a place I'd never been.

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