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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind


By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/26/2024
Page Views: 1177
Topics: #Places #Photography #Snowflake #Arizona
All the photos from the time I lived in Snowflake.

When I moved to Arizona in 1997 with my then-fiancé, Michael, it was just outside of the little town of Snowflake we bought 40 acres of land with an old, but livable (we were told) trailer on it.

We were able to tolerate the trailer for just a few months before I was driven (by the cold) to rent a better-insulated home nearby, with the idea of eventually building on the property.

That never came to be, and we moved to Phoenix not long afterwards. But the time I spent there was rewarded with photographs of the distinctive High Chaparral ecosystem and its many, seasonal, moods.

Winter in the High Chaparral

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 11/15/1997
Posted: 1/25/2016
Page Views: 762
Topics: #Places #Photography #Snowflake #Arizona #Winter #HighChaparral
All the chilly photographs of a northeastern Arizona winter.

To say it was cold would be an understatement. I used to live in New Hampshire, but even the bone-chilling winters there couldn't compete with the crystalline cold of Snowflake in the dead of winter.

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