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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

Rock Climbing with Kids

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 5/2/2024
Occurred: 9/24/2022
Page Views: 503
Topics: #Arizona #Dominic #RockClimbing
Kids have no fear.

My eldest grandson, Zach, has been trying to get himself, his little brother Dominic, Uncle John, and Uncle John's kids Kyla and Willie, to the rock climbing gym he used to work out. That finally happened today, and I was there to preserve the memory!

I've passed the place a few times. It's quite close to Zach's home (which, in turn, is close to mine).

I so love the obvious affection Zach and Dominic have for each other. Here, Zach helped Dominic put on his climbing harness. That's actually more complicated than it sounds; but Zach used to work at Alta so he really knows how to do it.

Meanwhile, my son John, with his partner Adrienne and their kids, Kyla and Willie, were already there. Kyla is quite an accomplished climber already.

Willie is only five, so piling up soft blocks was fun for him.