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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

Cailey Meets Zachary

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/27/2024
Occurred: 2/15/2001
Page Views: 4792
Topics: #Cailey #Zachary
My granddaughter, Cailey Hope Kinder, meets her cousin Zach.

In February, 2001, my daughter, Dorothy, brought Cailey out to Arizona with her so she could meet the rest of the family. Cailey's Uncle (my son) John got to introduce little Zachary to his new cousin.

Papa had to help a little, as Zachary seemed a little unsure whether Cailey was a person or a new toy…

And then, he had to have a chance to hold her, too…

Bottle time is always a good time to relax…

What is it about watching a baby sleep that makes everyone else tired, too?

Too bad Dorothy isn't proud of her new baby…

The next day, the new baby was still here…


One is never too young to sightsee in Arizona; so that weekend we rented a van and took everyone to Tombstone.

The first stop was Boot Hill, Tombstone's old cemetery.

Her Uncle John got first dibs at carrying the infant, and made sure she was properly adjusted in her carrier.

This was Zachary's second visit (he came here just a year ago, before he could walk, with his Great-Grandmother Edna).

On his first visit, he had discovered gravel.

Now he just seemed happy to be with us.

Of course, Grandpa Paul couldn't let John have all the fun!

We then drove into town, where all the T-shirt shops and historical museums are located.

Karen was as happy to be there with Zachary, and Dorothy seemed to be with Cailey.

Not that Dorothy wasn't happy to see him again, either!


Monday we hopped in the rented van again and headed north to Sedona, where we all hiked Bell Rock…even Cailey!

John started out like gangbusters, holding both babies.

Then, just one.

But, Dorothy couldn't bear to be away from Cailey too long.

Dorothy and Cailey's visit ended all too soon!