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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

Zach's 24th Birthday

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/26/2024
Occurred: 5/22/2023
Page Views: 555
Topics: #Zach
We celebrate Zach's birthday, Karen's visit, Max's visit, and a new puppy.

Wow, how is it possible that that little baby we welcomed to the world in 1999, could possibly be now turning 24? —But he has, and this birthday is especially special, because to help him celebrate is his long-lost cousin Max, who is just now visiting the USA after having spent his childhood in France. Plus, we have a new puppy!

So here we see Zach, on the left, talking with Max and his little step-brother Willie. (Willie turned six just a couple of weeks ago. Max is 20.)

L2R: Karen, Elias, Papa Michael, Kyla, and John.

Dominic's mommy got little Finley but Dominic is smitten.

When I was Willie's age, I had a step-brother, Walt, who was just about Max's age now. So I totally get how eager Willie is to bond with his (to him) new relative.

I'm not sure what was happening here, but they do seem to be having fun! Adrienne is at top; Karen and Cailey are at the bottom. I'm not sure who the butt belongs to.

Here's Adrienne, either about to take a snapshot of John and Kyla, or trying to explain to Kyla what a tape cassette is.

Family portraits: Top row, Cailey, Zach and Max (all cousins). 2nd row: Willie and Kyla, and Dominic and Gianna (two sets of siblings). In front: Aunt Karen.

Now we add Zach's mom, my daughter Jenny, myself, and my ex-husband and still and always a member of our family, Papa Michael.

Zach, Max, John and Dominic; Kyla, and Willie; Jenny, Karen, Cailey and Gianna.

Willie and Dominic; Cailey, Michael, Zach, Max, John, Gianna; Jenny, Karen, Adrienne and me. (I guess this makes me a patriarch.)

Willie, Max, Jenny, Dominic, Zach, Kyla, Cailey, and Gianna.

And, finally, youthful Mommy with her baby boy.