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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

January 2022: Pandemic Month 23

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/27/2024
Page Views: 869
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
Sudden change of venue.


Globally, as expected, cases increased dramatically after the Christmas holidays. However, at this point, since vaccinated people pretty much never die from COVID, and lots of vaccinated people are getting it but not getting very sick, I think it's more telling to view the death rates. Note that these are virtually all unvaccinated victims.

United States

In the United States, we've lost nearly a million people to the disease; the number is expected to exceed 1,000,000 deaths by early March. As in the rest of the world, people are getting weary of the pandemic (sadly, it isn't getting weary of them), and many places are not enforcing (or even allowing!) mask mandates. As before, vaccinated people don't get very sick, even if they catch the thing. So, more than ever, it is the unvaccinated who are dying. (Regarding the willfully unvaccinated, as opposed to those unable to take it for pre-existing health conditions, this can be thought of as God's way of getting the stupid ones out of the gene pool.)

Earlier in the pandemic, vaccinated people continued to wear masks to protect those who were not. Now, the attitude amongst most vaccinated people is, "Fuck 'em." And it's hard to blame them; if it wasn't for them, the pandemic would have been fucking over by now.


Statewide, Hawaii shows the effects of pandemic burn-out as its previously very low death rates spike, exactly matching the relaxing of mask rules and opening of restaurants for indoor dining.

Cases on Maui closely parallel those of the state as a whole.

Personally, this month was startling for an unrelated reason, as I moved back to the mainland mid-month.

Change of Plans

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 1/1/2022
Page Views: 762
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
Another new year, another new life.

December's solar eclipse, and the associated partial lunar eclipse, according to astrology, says I could be affected by "immigration or relocation matters." Well, it was a short delay from the actual eclipse, but today the hammer dropped.

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Starting to Pack

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 1/7/2022
Page Views: 767
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
It only took a week of thinking about it.

Well, we've known for a week we had to pack. I have to wait on Keith, whose stuff is all piled on top of mine; and he's been trying to organize his thoughts, I guess, before attacking the actual things. In any case, we got started (in earnest) today.

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Farewell to Papalaua Beach

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 1/8/2022
Page Views: 584
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
We should be packing, not hanging out at the beach. But, whatever.

Yes, we should be packing. But, faced with not likely being ever able to do it again, both Keith and I decided to make one last visit to Papalaua Beach Park before taking him to the airport for his flight to what turns out to be, home. And we just hung out and took photos, so enjoy them!

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Baby Steps

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 1/12/2022
Page Views: 765
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
Packing up two years' worth of two lives isn't as easy as you'd think.

If it seemed sudden that we were moving back to the mainland, that's because it was. But Zach and I are making progress, both in packing and in making the property look as good as possible in our absence.

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Aloha Oe

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 1/14/2022
Page Views: 775
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
Farewell to thee, Maui.

So today was my last on Maui…and I still had to finish packing, help Zach finish his packing, mail a last box or two, get the dogs ready for travel, and drive the truck to Kula to get its window fixed so it could be shipped.

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A New Apartment in Gilbert

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 1/15/2022
Page Views: 767
Topics: #Coronavirus #Arizona
And the next chapter begins.

My 5+ hour night flight from Maui to Phoenix's Sky Harbor airport was uneventful, mostly because I was able to sleep through most of it. My son, John, picked me up and, after we had retrieved the dogs from the cargo area, drove me directly to the apartment my daughter, Jenny, had gotten for me.

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The Doggies Settle In

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 1/22/2022
Page Views: 755
Topics: #Coronavirus #Arizona #Ella #Lilly
A city dog's life is different than a country dog's life.

Both my dogs, Ella and Lilly, were originally apartment dogs, accustomed to holding it until walk time, taking frequent trips to the dog park, not splashing in the mud. That was the polar opposite of their lives in Maui, where they came and went as they pleased, played with cows and wild pigs instead of other dogs, and, well, Ella never met a mud puddle she didn't like.

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Medieval Times

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 1/28/2022
Page Views: 1045
Topics: #Coronavirus #Arizona #MedievalTimes #Dominic #Gianna
They didn't have forks in medieval times, so we don't have them at Medieval Times.

I have to admit, Arizona sunsets tend to be more spectacular than those seen on Maui. (That's because Arizona has more pollution, which tends to redden an already-red sunset.) But today's sunset is extra special, because I saw it from my daughter's car window as she drove me to a dinner at Medieval Times.

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