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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

Return of The Littles

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 5/3/2024
Occurred: 10/5/2021
Page Views: 671
Topics: #Coronavirua #Maui
My grandchildren come for another visit.

Last night my daughter, Jenny, and her two toddlers flew into Maui. Tomorrow, her eldest will be joining them, followed by their father. Today I managed to get in a quick visit before they collapsed from jet lag.

Hana has its own airport. I've never been able to use it, but despite the 2-hour layover in Kahului, Jenny thought it would be easier on her than the two-hour windy, twisty drive. Plus, they got to take aerial views of the property!

I drove the truck to the airport to pick them up.

After dropping me off at the property, Jenny and the kids went to their resort a few miles away to check in and collapse. But I caught up with them at the resort pool this morning.

Relaxing with Jenny at the resort pool. (They opted to stay at the resort instead of camping on the property, mostly due to the impending arrival of the kids' dad, who isn't really much of a camper.

And here I am with my precious "Littles" Dominic and Gianna.