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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

August 2021: Pandemic Month 18

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/26/2024
Page Views: 944
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
Th calm before the predicted September storm.


Number of new cases of COVID-19 worldwide
from January to ihe end of August, 2021, by day

Globally, the coronavirus surge has finally leveled off after two months, but it remains high. Reported new cases have averaged more than 650,000 a day—below the peaks of January and April, but high enough to strain health systems in many countries.

Scientists still struggle to explain why cases of the Delta variant have surged in some places, like Iran, Israel and the United States, and ebbed in others, like India, Indonesia and Brazil, suggesting that more unexpected ups and downs lie ahead.

The European Union has removed several countries, including Israel and the United States, from its "safe list," recommending a return to restrictions on unvaccinated travelers from those nations.

Vaccination campaigns have reached important milestones in India, which has given at least one shot to 50% of its adults, and the European Union, which has fully vaccinated 70%. Worldwide, more than 5.3 billion shots have been administered, or 69 per 100 people, but dozens of poor countries remain below 5 shots per 100.

United States

In the United States, with its MAGAts demanding their "freedumbs" to di and tak others with them, we are averaging more than 1,500 deaths a day for the first time since March. Daily death totals have more than quintupled since the start of August, though they remain well below the peak levels from last winter.

Growing outbreaks in the Red States of the Midwest, Northeast and mid-Atlantic have largely offset declining case numbers in parts of the Deep South. Through Friday, Maine, South Dakota and Ohio had the country's fastest rates of case growth.

South Carolina is averaging more than 5,400 new cases a day and has the country's highest rate of recent cases. Hospitalizations in that state are near peak levels from last winter. Cases have started to decline in Florida, but more than 15,000 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, the highest rate in the country.

Reports of new cases appear to be leveling off in Washington and Oregon, both of which have set records in recent weeks. Case rates in the Pacific Northwest remain well below those seen in the South.

About 950,000 vaccine doses are being administered each day, up from a low point of about 500,000 doses a day in late July. 75% of American adults have received at least one dose of a vaccine.

And, unbelievably, Republican state governors—especially Texas' Abbott and Florida's DeSantis (who's repidly becoming known as "DeathSantis")—seem to be actively killing thir own constituents by insisting on sending kids maskless to school. Those constituents are obediently killing themslves by taking Invermectin, an expensive livestock dewormer, instead of the free vaccine!


We've been really spoiled in Hawaii, and especially in Maui. That's about to come to an end, however, as cases and deaths here have skyrocketed, along with fewer masks worn. (Masks are still required by all businesses, but I've noticed an increase in "below-the-nose" masking, especially by employees.)

Cases have increased recently and are extremely high: The total reported for the past week was the highest of the pandemic. The number of hospitalized Covid patients has also risen in the Maui County area. (Maui County includes the islands of Maui, Lanai, Molokai, and uninhabited Ko'ohave.) Deaths have remained at about the same level. The test positivity rate in Maui County is high, suggesting that cases may be undercounted. Because of high spread, the CDC recommends that even vaccinated people wear masks here.

An average of 104 cases per day were reported in Maui County, a 16 percent increase from the average two weeks ago. Since the beginning of the pandemic, at least 1 in 21 residents have been infected, a total of 8,130 reported cases. Right now, Maui County is at an extremely high risk for unvaccinated people. August 2021 was the month with the most reported cases in Maui County (so far).

The Littles Visit The Property

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 8/2/2021
Page Views: 754
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #SerenitySlope #Dominic #Gianna
Fun at our 28 Acres.

Today was the first chance for my daughter and the Littles, as we call my youngest grandchildren, to visit me on the property she owns but on which Keith and I live, before they return to Arizona next week.

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Workers Arrive!

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 8/7/2021
Page Views: 779
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #BambooCottage
After a year and a half of waiting, construction has finally begun. For realz!

So today, over two weeks from the day the archetect came out to inspect the pieces, actual work guys showed up, and actually, you know, did work! Meet Daniel (who owns the Mystery Machine in which he lives and sleeps) and Tava.

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Dawn to Dusk on Serenity Slope

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 8/18/2021
Page Views: 767
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #SerenitySlope
Another day goes by.

We are so privileged to live in such beauty. The climate can be, if not harsh, relentless—certainly tough on modern canvas—but that's a small price to pay for such views.

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Full Moon at Papalaua

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 8/21/2021
Page Views: 739
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #Moon
Another beautiful night camping at the beach.

So we car camp at Papalaua Beach Park several nights a week. We do it to avoid the travel time and expense of going back to Hana between two days of Doordashing. Besides, it's the beach in Maui so who wouldn't want to spend as many nights there are possible? In any case, I take photos there practically every visit; and I'll be the first to admit a lot of them wind up looking alike. Still, tonight was special; we were treated to a full moon.

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By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 8/22/2021
Page Views: 750
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #Lahaina
Some random shots of Maui's primary tourist town.

Over the course of several days' Doordashing in Lahaina, I managed to get a few random shots I thought I'd share.

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More Papalaua Postcards

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 8/23/2021
Page Views: 762
Topics: #Coronavirua #Maui
More postcard-perfect views collected from our favorite beach.

I know, I just keep posting more of these. But every day the lighting is different! At least I am going to gather them together and post just once a month.

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By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 8/25/2021
Page Views: 776
Topics: #Coronavirua #Maui
After a year-and-a-half, we finally see some progress on the construction of our cottage.

As I've mentioned previously, when we first moved to Maui well over a year ago, we kind of expected our bamboo cottage to be constructed soon after. But with the global health crisis, that of course got held up. Still, back in April, the parts arrived (it was supposed to be an easily-assembled unit, sort of like an Ikea Cottage) and we assumed assembly would start shortly. Well, here it is August, and they just arrived to do the assembly!

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Road to Lahaina

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 8/26/2021
Page Views: 734
Topics: #Coronavirua #Maui
Take a ride with me along Maui's southwestern highway.

As regular readers know, I spoend a lot of time Doordashing (food delivery service) in Lahaina. So I've taken a lot of photos of Lahaina, and Papalaua Beach where we spend the night. But these are the first pictures I've taken of the scenic views from the ride to Lahaina, itself.

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Cottage Progress

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 8/27/2021
Page Views: 580
Topics: #Coronavirua #Maui
Every day and in every way, it's getting better and better. (Plus sunset.)

Now that building has finally commenced on our bamboo cottage, I am determined to try and document its construction.

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Leaving Lot D

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 8/28/2021
Page Views: 747
Topics: #Coronavirua #Maui
Now that my daughter sold the lower half of the property, we can't camp there anymore.

The sale of the lower half of my daughter's property (Lot D) is to be completed soon. That means Keith and I must pack our stuff and put it somewhere for safekeeping until the cottage is (finally) completed.

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Sunset over Lot D

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 8/29/2021
Page Views: 748
Topics: #Coronavirua #Maui
We say farewell to half our property.

I waited all day for the expected inspector, but he or she never showed. However, except to fetch the actual contents of our shed, which we still need to bring to Lot C, we won't be going back down there. This evening's sunset, therefore, was enjoyed from Lot C (which has the better view, anyway.)

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End of August Progress

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 8/31/2021
Page Views: 736
Topics: #Coronavirua #Maui
The two weeks of construction stretches to months.

Under the charming notion that the cottage could be assembled in a couple of weeks by amateurs, we assumed it would certainly not take much longer when professionals were doing the work. Alas, that does not seem to be the case. Yes, we saw progress in the framing of the cottage being erected swiftly. But they kept encountering problems, mostly due to the long time the parts were exposed to the weather (because they were going to come and assemble them in a week, as opposed to the four months it took them to actually get started.

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