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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

April 2021: Isolation Month 14

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/26/2024
Page Views: 929
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
Cases continue to decline in some places while increasing in others. Guess what kind of leadership sees declines?

Globally, new COVID-19 cases increased for the ninth consecutive week, with nearly 5.7 million new cases reported in the last week—surpassing previous peaks. The number of new deaths increased for the sixth consecutive week, with over 87 000 new deaths reported. This week, all regions are reporting decreases in case incidence apart from the South-East Asia and Western Pacific regions. For the third consecutive week, the South-East Asia region reported the highest relative increases in both case and death incidences. While a number of countries in the region are reporting upward trends, India accounts for the vast majority of cases from this regional trend and 38% of global cases reported in the past week. Similarly, all but two regions, South-East Asia and Eastern Mediterranean, reported declines in new deaths this week.

It is, of course, no coincidence that the countries suffering the most deaths, are the ones with totalitarian and/or fascist governments.

India's position is particularly sad, because India makes most of the world's vaccines But the companies that make them, were contractually forced to provide the units to the other countries, including ours, that had placed the orders first.

Fortunately, the United States once again has a functioning government; and it's a compassionate one. President Biden sent $100 million in medical supplies and 20 million doses of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine.

In United States of America, from January 3rd, 2020 to 2:36pm CEST, May 1st, 2021, there have been 31,948,761 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 569,722 deaths, reported to the World Health Organization. As of 23 April 2021, a total of 223,293,713 vaccine doses have been administered.

And yes, 200 million doses were distributed in the United States since President Biden took office, less than 100 days ago, twice as many as he had promised.

Here in Hawaii, on April 23, 2021, the state Department of Health reports that there were 122 additional COVID-19 cases reported in Hawai‘i on Sunday, including 98 on O‘ahu, 12 on Maui, six on Hawai‘i Island, three on Kaua‘i, and three in Hawai‘i residents diagnosed while out of state. There were a total of 1,109 cases logged over the past two weeks, 211 of them in Maui County.

Maui's 14 day average for new COVID-19 cases was 11 and the test positivity rate over the same period was 1.5 percent. These are considered to be good values, all things considered.

The state Department of Health linked 11 cases to specific zip codes on Maui, since the previous day's report. The newly categorized cases included: four in Lahaina, three in Kahului, three in Kīhei, and one in Makawao.

There were about 163 outstanding cases in Maui County that had not been attributed to a specific zip code in the Department of Health mapping.

There were 13 individuals hospitalized in Maui County with COVID-19, according to counts last updated on April 23, 2021, from the Hawai'i Emergency Management Agency.

There were 12 ICU beds being used in Maui County at the time (out of 31 available). None of the ICU beds were being used by COVID-19 patients. Five ventilators (out of 38 available) were being used in Maui County, none of them by COVID-19 patients.

Through April 23, 2021, an estimated 1,118,905 doses of vaccine had been administered statewide, including 132,711 pharmacy doses, 135,447 federal agency doses, and 850,747 state doses Hawai‘i. The state's total population is 1,415,857.

On Maui, the Department of Health reported that 49% (64,682) of the population had initiated vaccine; and 30% (39,057) have completed full vaccination. In total, Maui County has administered 101,207 doses among a total population base of 167,488.

Kaua'i continued to lead the state with first dose vaccinations at 57%, followed by Maui at 49%, Hawai'i Island at 47%, and O'ahu at 44%. For second doses, Kaua'i is at 47% followed by O'ahu at 33%, Hawai'i Island at 31% and Maui at 30%.

Here on the property in East Maui, we don't personally know of anyone who is currently sick from the novel coronavirus, though we do know a few local people who've had it. I, personally, became "fully vaccinated" at the end of the month. (In current terms, "fully vaccinated" means having had both shots of a 2-shot vaccine (I had the Moderna) plus about two weeks for the second shot to do its thing.

Keith and I continue to wear our masks in public, as is required by local law anyway. Thus, so do others, which is why Maui's numbers are so low.

A Clean Desk

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 4/3/2021
Page Views: 756
Topics: #Maui #Coronavirus
A clean desk shows an organized mind. Or something.

This is a stupid post so there's really no point in reading it. But, after my recent reorganizing of the shed in which we live, I finally was able to get my relocated desk organized, as well.

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A Visit From a Frog and Some Cows

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 4/3/2021
Page Views: 781
Topics: #Maui #Coronavirus
Local visitors just can't stay away.

So, first thing this morning, I step onto the porch and was startled by a huge ol' frog.

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70, Boys, 70!

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 4/8/2021
Page Views: 779
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
The Big Seven-Oh-Oh.

The only way I could have had a better birthday would have been if the rest of my family could have been with me. But they are on the mainland—even my grandson Zach—and I am here. At least, my husband Keith, and our furbabies, are at my side.

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A Glimpse of the Big Island

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 4/10/2021
Page Views: 757
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #Hawai'i
The air was really clear.

I live on Maui, one of the islands in the volcanic archepelago called Hawaii, after it's largest island. Hawaii is adjacent to Maui, about 120 miles at their closest points. On Maui, that point is on the easternmost end of the island, specifically, the town of Hana. We live about five miles west of Hana, which, with the curve of the shoreline, puts us out of sight anyway. But today, on our way to Koki Beach (on the east side of Hana), I spotted the illusive island on the horizon.

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Hot Showers

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 4/11/2021
Page Views: 748
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #Shower
I'm a wimp.

Since we arrived, my husband, Keith, has embraced the whole camping-in-the-wilds-of-Maui by taking cold showers every damn day. And that's fine for him. But, as a newly-minted 70-year-oldm I'm pretty much over that shit. And so, when New Uear's Day came around, U made, as a New Year's resolution, to never again take a cold shower.

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From Sea To Slope To Sea

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 4/13/2021
Page Views: 550
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #Ulapalakua
And now, for something completely different.

We camped at Papalaua Beach (again) last night. But even our favorite camping spot can get boring if we don't mix it up a little. So we decided to explore a little upcountry for a change.

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Pink Skies

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 4/18/2021
Page Views: 756
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #Sunsets
More beautiful sky pictures, and me wearing a wig.

Today was spent goofing around at home.

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I Get My Second Shot

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 4/19/2021
Page Views: 753
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #Vaccine
Safe at last.

It's been two weeks since I got the first of my Moderna COVID-19 vaccinations. That was tricky to get and cost my grandson money. This was much simpler to schedule, and was free.

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All About That Beach

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 4/22/2021
Page Views: 781
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #Cottage #PapalauaBeach
A last night at Papalaua before work begins.

Tomorrow I start work on a new project. But Keith and I wanted to spend the night (again) car camping at Papalaua Beach. I don't really have anything new to say about that, so just enjoy the sunset and morning photos.

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Location, Location, Location

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 4/23/2021
Page Views: 973
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #Cottage #BambooCottage
Where, on 28 acres, to put our bamboo0 cottage…?

Well, we're pretty excited. Remember the bamboo cottage we were expecting to move into a year or so ago? Well, the coronavirus delayed that, seemingly forever. However, work was continuing on building it in Bali. Last month the parts were put in a 40-foot container, which was loaded onto a barge, which began its trip here, by way of Honolulu. Anyway, it arrived in Maui yesterday! So the cottage's designer, Bruce, came out to approve the cottage's final location.

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On The Road Again

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 4/25/2021
Page Views: 770
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #Cottage #BambooCottage
I return to trucking after two decades of not.

As mentioned previously, the long-awaited components that, assembled, will become our bamboo cottage (thus putting our semi-permanent campout to a conclusion), have finally arrived. However, they arrived in a 40-foot shipping container, which is double what can be physically transported to us via Hana Highway. (The curves are too tight for such a long trailer.) So, the contents of the container must be transferred to a smaller truck, which must then be driven to Serenity Slope and back to the container. And that's where I come in.

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Load #1, Unloaded

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 4/26/2021
Page Views: 758
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #Cottage #BambooCottage
Few hands make heavy work.

Having arrived home late with the fully-loaded truck containing the first batch of parts for our assemble-it-yourselves bamboo cottage, we had to wait for morning to begin the unloading, so I could get back to the shipping container in Pa'ia for the next load. There's a bit of a rush because the shipping container is being rented by the day until empty, and the daily rate ain't cheap.

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Beach, Then Load #2

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 4/27/2021
Page Views: 752
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #Cottage #BambooCottage #PapalauaBeach

We always love spending the night at Papalaua, anyway. What sleeping on our mattress in the back of car lacks in comfort, it more than makes up for in atmosphere. Besides, we couldn't pick up our next truck from U-Haul until they opened at 9. So we would be able to sleep in, to some extent.

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Sunset, Moonrise

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 4/29/2021
Page Views: 739
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #Sunset #Sunrise #Moon
The Sun also rises.

So, as Zach continued to build the garage and to unload Load #2 from the truck, there was nothing for Keith nor I to do; so we continued to car camp and enjoy the sunsets and other aerial phenomena. In fact, tonight's sunset (and subsequent moonrise) were so spectacular, it inspired me to publish other spectacular sunsets I've been holding onto. Enjoy!

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The Mystery of VOR Beach

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 4/30/2021
Page Views: 740
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
A quick visit to a little-known beach.

Sorry for the clickbait title, because the only mystery about VOR Beach is its name. It's not an Hawaiian word, and it's spelled all in caps like an acronym. But for what?

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