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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

March 2021: Isolation Month 13

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/26/2024
Page Views: 905
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
And the pandemic continues…

On the world stage, the United States continued to lead the world in COVID-19 cases and deaths. Every country in this month's top fifteen list of worst hit, are countries with conservative leadership when the pandemic hit. Every other nation on Earth has it coming under control.

The Astro-Zeneca vaccine has come under fire as being a possible cause of blood clots later. The company insists the vaccine is safe, of course. Time will tell.

Meanwhile, on the 20th, I got my first shot of the Moderna vaccine (with zero side effects, not even a sore arm).

In the United States, the good news was that more states ramped up their vaccine distribution. The bad news was, these were only the Blue states. Red states still trail every statistic but new cases and deaths. I suppose this is God's way of getting rid of the stupid ones, but jeez.

Although Hawaii is still one of the safest states to be in at this time, relative to the other islands Maui is bad, even worse than urban Oahu. Spring break is to blame, and our governor who, while a Democrat, still had to bow to the will of his resort=dependent constituents.

Although I still Doordash, I do so masked, and most deliveries are no-contact anyway. ("Ring the bell and leave it by the door," is a common instruction.)

Muddy Ella

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 3/11/2021
Page Views: 739
She identifies as a brown dog.

Our dog, Ella, is a pale Golden Retreiver; and, as such, she was bred to be a swimmer. And, indeed, she loves the ocean and body surfs the waves. But when the ocean isn't handle, she loves nothing more than a good romp in a mud puddle.

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By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 3/13/2021
Page Views: 772
Topics: #Maui #Coronavirus
Even the dry parts of the island are drenched.

As I may have mentioned in a post or two for the past few months that winter is Maui's rainy season. Half of Maui gets most its rain; the western half is in the rain shadow of towering Mount Haleakala. But this week the winds shifted slightly, and normally-dry Kahului got drenched, as did even Lahaina.

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Postcards From The Beach

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 3/14/2021
Page Views: 736
Topics: #Maui #Coronavirus
Night or day, Papalaua Beach is stunning.

After yesterday's rain, I found the day especially beautiful and thought I'd take a few postcard-style beach shots. I don't really have any more to say abo0ut them than that.

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The Blue Pool

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 3/15/2021
Page Views: 773
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
A local friend takes us to see a sacred Hawaiian spot.

Among Native Hawaiians, the standard greeting when encountering friend or foe, was to exchange breath. The two people would approach, arms open, touch foreheads, grasp each others' shoulders, and exhale with a voiceless "HA!", then inhale the mixture. It was commonly understood that one could detect dishonesty or anger in someone's breath.

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By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 3/18/2021
Page Views: 762
It's been a year to the day.

Talk about time flying when you're having fun. I moved here to Maui exact, of course,ly one year ago today. In many ways, it feels like just a few weeks ago; while, in others, I feel like I've been here forever. And this is also the one year anniversary of the Corornavirus shutdown.

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My First COVID Vaccine Dose

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 3/20/2021
Page Views: 766
Topics: #Coronvirus #Vaccine #Maui #Moderna
A light at the end of the tunnel.

Today, I was able to receive my first shot of the Novel Coronavirus vaccine, thanks to my grandson, Zach.

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Puppydogs And Rainbows

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 3/31/2021
Page Views: 765
Topics: #Maui #Coronavirus #Camping
The dogs swim, we see rainbows, everyone relaxes.

Continuing our vacation-within-a-vacation-within-retirement, the dogs swim and we were dogged with rainbows.

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Cats, Not The Musical

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 3/22/2021
Updated: 3/26/2021
Page Views: 1025
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
Nice little baby rat you have there, ma'am. Would be a shame if someone ate her.

Given that our shed has been standing here for a year, and is hardly airtight, it should surprise no one that we've had a rat family sharing it with us. And the dogs have been no help; they think the rats are just part of our family.

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By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 3/27/2021
Page Views: 767
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
I just can't stand the clutter one more day.

We never expected to be in this shed for so long. (Coronavirus interfered with the prompt delivery of our hut.) My original arrangement of the furniture (which includes crates) was not too bad, but it led to a sort of Sargasso Sea at one end of the shed where clutter tended to coalesce and quickly became an impenetrable morass of boxes, wrappers, books, remote controls, and rat turds. Not exactly ready for Better Homes And Gardens.

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Dusk To Dawn To Dusk

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 3/30/2021
Page Views: 755
Topics: #Maui #Coronavirus #Camping
A perfect full day of car camping at Maui's Papalaua Beach.

How do you go on vacation when your normal lifestyle is full-time camping already? Simple. You camp in a different spot.

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