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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

The Littles Say Goodbye to Koki

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/27/2024
Occurred: 12/2/2020
Page Views: 802
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
On their last day of vacation, we take the kids to Koki.

On this, the last day of their vacation—and probably the last I'll see of them until Spring, at least—we took the littles to Koki Beach Park, along with big brother Zach and Zach's pal Adrian and their surfboards.

Unlike crowded mainland beaches, Koki has few other visitors most days; and everything is compressed—with areas for surfing, wading, sitting on grass, and even hiking are within reach.

Actually, first thing in the morning, I knew this would be a beach day.

Zach's surfboards were propped against his container with care, while his friend, Adrian, called home. (Because Zach's container is solid metal, one has to stand near the window to get a wifi signal outside.)

Lilly seemed to sense we were about to lose the babies.

We actually did lose the dogs, because we decided to leave them behind this time, to free me up to spend time with the kids.

As any surfer knoews, 90% of surfing is waiting for a suitable wave to come along. It took awhile but Zach finally caught one!

Finally back home.

Tomorrow we'll be taking Jenny, Zach, Gianna, Dominic, and Adrian to Kahului Airport from which they will fly back home. Maui will still be paradise, but a slightly bleaker one without them.