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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

September 2020: Isolation Month 7

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/26/2024
Page Views: 1241
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
This was the month tourism reopened, slightly, with the expected result of incresed new cases.

Nationally, in addition to the spikes in COVID-19 infections (and deaths) that seem to follow two weeks after each of his hate rallies, Trump continues to hold them. Additional disasters adding to the fun are continuing wildfires in the Western US, and a freak fatal wind in Utah that killed one man and cut electrical power to 200,000 homes.

By the end of September, Hawaii's Governor David Ige signed a 13th supplementary emergency proclamation that extended the COVID-19 emergency period through the end of October. The emergency proclamation left in place the 14-day mandatory quarantine requirement for out-of-state travelers. However, beginning October 15th, a pre-travel testing option will allow travelers an alternative to the mandatory 14-day quarantine (much as happened with our dogs).

What this meant for me, personally, was that my Doordashing side gig consisted primarily of taking groceries to people stranded in their condos or hotel rooms during their quarantine, and continued light traffic on my commute between Hana and Lahaina.

As the days got warmer, Keith (and I, when not dashing) developed the custom of making daily trips to a beach, usually Koki, just to escape the heat in the cabin. Thus I took a lot of postcard-like beach photos. (Any photo of a Maui beach pretty much qualifies to be a postcard.)

Another Supply Run

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 9/1/2020
Page Views: 785
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
Every time is the same, and different.

What with weekly supply runs into Kahului, plus my Doordashing (usually in Lahaina), the trip down curvy Hana Highway would get boring. Well, the curves are the same but the position of the sun and degrees of cloudiness make every trip unique. Here are the best photos from today, sunrise to sunset, mostly without comment.

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Back Way In

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 9/3/2020
Page Views: 795
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
Hana Highway was blocked. We had to use an alternative.

Today we had to make special run into Kahului to pick up prescriptions, but shortly after leaving our property we encountered people warning that a tree was down, the road was blocked, and it could be hours before it cleared. So we took the "back way", past Hana and up through Ulapalakula (where we had lunch).

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By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 9/8/2020
Page Views: 801
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
The Rainbow State lives up to its claim.

Hawaii is known as the Rainbow State (because that's what Hawaii told everyone to call it), mostly because the frequent light showers mean there could be a rainbow visible anywhere, at any time. And today, during our visit to the other side, did not disappoint.

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Cows and their Egrets

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 9/10/2020
Page Views: 795
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
Cows everywhere are accompanied by their friends, the tick-pickers.

The first time I noticed egrets accompanying cows, I was in my late teens and was driving in Florida with my friend, Marianne Pye, when we passed a herd of cows, upon which were riding these white birds that occasionally leaned over and ate something fromthe cow's back.

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A Trip to Lahaina

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 9/13/2020
Page Views: 779
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
Beautiful scenery as one drives from East to West Maui.

Today was a Doordash day, and I've been having the best luck in Lahaina. It's a long, two-and-a-half hour drive each way, but it is beautiful!

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Changing A Tire…Twice

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 9/16/2020
Page Views: 800
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
Sometimes you have to let loose your inner garage mechanic.

One of the tires on the Honda has been experiencing a slow leak. Well, not that slow; it's been losing about 10 pounds a day. And it hasn't even been dieting.

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A Cry In The Dark

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 9/20/2020
Page Views: 781
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
When life is like a horror movie.

Maui is one of the darkest places on Earth, at night. As home to an astronomical observatory at the top of Mount Haleakala, Maui's towns and villages honor the Dark Skies policy with few outdoor lights, all of which are aimed specifically at the ground. Consequently, here on our property some five miles from the nearest village, and a quarter-mile from the sparsley-travelled nearest road, on a clear night we can see the blanket of stars, including the swath of the Milky Way, without even trying. It's also very, very quiet at night. Which is why, when a cry of help pierced the night, Keith's eyes opened wide. Don't most horror movies start this way?

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Dashing Overnight

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 9/25/2020
Page Views: 814
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
By myself, in the car, at the beach.

When I lived in Arizona, I did Doordashing as a side job when I wanted a little extra cash, and it worked very well for me. When I applied myself, I easily brought home an extra $400 a month.

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Dashing in Napili

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 9/26/2020
Page Views: 797
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
Finding a hidden bit of scenic shoreline.

Several times during the night I have woke, thinking I was in my cabin and wondering where Keith might be. But the reality was, I was in the back of my car, sleeping at Papalaua Beach Park, trying to maximise my Doordash earnings by staying in the area overnight.

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Greetings From Scenic Koki

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 9/30/2020
Page Views: 769
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
Keith and I are quickly developing a favorite beach.

There are innumerable small, isolated beaches around Maui, and each one has its own charms. Some are better for surfing; some for sitting in the shade and gazing or meditating. There's one near us that's usually good for body surfing (which I like) and another at which Keith can do the quiet soaking he prefers. But the one we to which we keep returning (and not just because it's just six or seven miles from home), is Koki.

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