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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

A Hike Along Hana Bay

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 5/2/2024
Occurred: 6/17/2020
Page Views: 505
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
An opportunity to take a stroll (or rock climb) around a local bit of scenery.

Today was a wonderful one. We got to explore, soak in the ocean, hike, and generally have a good time.

I woke at the crack of dawn (thank you, hungry doggies) to see the rising sun creating a west rainbow—a double rainbow (oh my god, what does it mean?!?).

Of course, where there's a rainbow there's rain, and I could see it coming.

I love the porch we made. We can now sit and watch and listen to the rain fall without getting wet. And there's no commercials!

Soon it cleared so I made a run up the hill to check on the front gate. The ocean was as pretty as I've seen it.

The next excitement of the day was finding a banana tree with bananas on it! Although it's beyond the gate next to our cabin, it turns out they are actually on our property!

Keith has been experiencing some skin improvement from taking an ocean soak each day. It's been a trifle cool for me to enjoy just hanging in the water, so today I decided to try a hike I'd heard about.

There was a lot of clamboring over rocks,

But frequent breathtaking views of the bay awaited.

I spotted a fair sized cave. Didn't see any reason to go in.

On our way back from the beach, we stopped to pick up our mail. My custom mask had arrived! Patterned after the mid-23rd Century Star Fleet uniforms. The 4 pips makes me a Captain