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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind


By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 5/1/2024
Occurred: 5/14/2020
Page Views: 703
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
After all this time, I thought I'd check out our environment.

I haven't posted in the past few days, but only because I was busy doing stuff to post about!

I arrived in Maui permanently March 17th, and I've been sheltering in our cabin here ever since, with rare trips into the nearest city to get supplies. That's almost two months, and I still hadn't explored the whole property, not to mention Hana, the nearest village. But over the past few days I did that, at least to some extent. And here are the receipts.

Here on our part of Maui, we have days that are mostly rainy, followed by several days that are absolutely gorgeous. Not that the rainydays aren't also gorgeous, in their way! But on such days we find we tend to stay inside. Of course, it never rains all day, and we can and do go out in between showers. But it's difficult to do or plan anything ambitious when one doesn't know how long before the next shower.

This is heading toward our cabin on a sort-of road.

On this day, the cows were migrating to the cabin's yard. That's when I let the dogs invite them to choose another pasture.

This glade is next to the cabin. It's where Zach and his buddy camped when they first got here.

This is looking up toward Zach's container, and toward the road. I think this is the "level" Jenny plans to build her retirement home.

The Solar Shed platform is at the left. Jenny's cabin is two levels down from here. Zach's container is at my back.

The plants in the foreground are Turkey Berries, an invasive plant that we're supposed to get rid of. And the cows don't eat them, so they tend to grow would and take over. But I have mixed feelings, as the berries are edible and the leaves can be put in a salad, and are known to have anti-diabetes properties.

Beyond those bushes and trees is a creek bed. It's usually dry, unless there's been a heavy rain upslope.

I love how caring and obviously loving the mama cows are to their babies.

A just-past-full moon.

This is a field across from our neighbor Chris's water tank, where we usually shower and obtain our water for drinking and cleaning, until we get our own (sometime soon, I hope! Maybe tomorrow!)

Because of all the rain, there's an actuasl mud puddle near Zach's container. And Ella loves to swim. You do the math.

A creek with water in it.

Probably more rain coming, but even the clouds are awesome!

I had to drive into Hana to check the post office box anyway, so I went by Hana Bay Park. Recently re-opened (for swimming, not congregating), when I was there hardly anyone else was.

Then, on the way home, I checked out Ulaino (Ool la eena) Road, which runs along the northern border of Hana Plantation, out of which our property was carved.

This is looking upslope, but you can't see our cabins or anything else of our property from here.

Back at the property, I discovered the cows had moved back to Zach's Level and were drinking out of my bathtub!

Sunset from the cabin.

A big turkey berry front right that I'm going to take down soon. Beyond that, the road and a bridge across our dry creek.

Lilly and Ella like to explore, too.

And rest. They love to rest, especially in the shade.

This is downslope from Jenny's cabin, on the way to Keith's and my cabin. Jenny put in a little swing for my grandtoddlers.