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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

Jenny's Flight Home

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/27/2024
Occurred: 4/26/2020
Page Views: 1054
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
Who cares how dangerous it is. Let the kids fly!

It's especially annoying since I begged him to come here to Maui before the shutdown. He preferred to believe Trump's lie that the whole thing would blow over before April. He put his business needs ahead of that of his kids to have a father with them through a world-changing event. I got called an "insensitive SOB" for my troubles.

And now that he can't come here, he's arranged for a private jet to fly Jenny and the kids to their home in Arizona. They won't be able to return until the shutdown has ended, which may be months or even years.

So, today is the day Jenny and the kids left on a private jet for Arizona. And I was needed to help out with logistics. Specifically: Zach's truck needed to be returned to the property. So I volunteered to spend a last night at Jenny's B&B (while Keith remained on property with the dogs), from which I would help take them to where their jet was to take off, then drive Zach's truck home.

The kids, of course, were excited to be going home. They miss their kittens and Uncle John (who's been living in their house during quarantine and taking care of the cats).

The place from which the jet was to take off was found, but the jet wasn't there. It was, in fact, still in Honolulu (on a different island).

I am always amazed at the relaxed way the kids wait for things. They are truly seasoned travelers.

At last we were told the jet would be landing shortly so we gathered at the fence to watch for it.

A security guy on a golf cart drove us to the jet.

It's certainly nicely appointed.