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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

We Get A Porch!

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/26/2024
Occurred: 4/24/2020
Page Views: 816
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
The latest addition to our Maui home. Also, cows!

There's a tarped structure on the upper level that I've had my eye on for awhile. It would be perfect for a porch for our shed. I mentioned it to Jenny, who was on property today trying to get things tidied up a little. And the next thing I knew, she was delivering the tent-like thing via quad!

The tent roof was badly worn so Jenny also brought a big tarp to cover it with. And the tarp came with a passenger!

Okay, so we're done. It looks awful, I admit. But it provides us with breezy shade on hot days, and a dry place to sit on rainy days.

Another thing I want to bring down is a 100-gallon tub. I really love soaking in a hot tub. But, still filled with water from the recent rains, it had attracted a cow and her calf.

And then, suddenly, the whole darn herd!

Anyway, tonight we had an unusually colorful sunset.