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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

Easter In Quarantine

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 7/27/2024
Occurred: 4/12/2020
Page Views: 793
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #Easter
The grandtoddlers go hunting for eggs.

We have been "sheltering in place" in two places.

My daughter, Jenny, owns the property in Maui and came here with my grandtoddlers to camp here for Spring Break when the Hawaii shutdown was initiated. Camping for a couple of weeks is one thing; doing it for a month or more with a 3-year-old and a 5-year-old is a different thing entirely.

So, although local hotels and bed-and-breakfasts aren't allowed to rent to "visitors" (because there aren't supposed to be any visitors), as a landowner Jenny was able to find a B&B that would rent to her, which gave her access to hot showers, a toilet, and a kitchen for the kids. Nevertheless, they spent many days and some nights on the property. So, even though we occupy two locations, we have not made contact with anyone other than ourselves during our quarantine.

(We have workmen also living on the property until the building is complete; but, again, we've all been quarantined together.)

Our family tradition has always been to go to some park or garden to hunt for Easter eggs. The property would have qualified, but it was raining heavily here; so, after breakfast, Keith and I made the 1.5 hour drive into Pa'ia where Jenny's B&B has a generous yard, so the kiddos wouldn't miss out on Easter despite it being in the Time of Cornavirus.

When we got there, we found Jenny and the kids playing with some kind of weird sticky sand.

Jenny is the most devoted mother I've ever met. She literally spends every waking moment with those babies, and it shows. They are amazingly smart, strong and verbal atheletes.

For example, the moment I walked in, Dominic exclaimed, "What are you doing here??!"

Now that Papa Keith and I had arrived, the Easter Egg Hunt commenced. The kids had their baskets all ready!

Dominic was determined to out-hunt his sister Gianna.

Look at that haul!

And then, Easter eggs collected and examined…it was back to the weird sand game.