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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

George W. Bush Administration (2001-2009)

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 4/24/2024
Page Views: 3903
Topics: #Politics #GeorgeW.Bush
All the political posts I was moved to write during the bleak days of the Cheney presidency.

It's hard to believe now, but at the time it truly seemed as if George W. Bush was the worst president ever, and the dumbest. Not only did the worst attack on American soil ever take place during his watch, and the worst recession, not only was he not elected by the popular vote (Republican gerrymandering won the Electoral College) but he aso sent us to war on a lie, and threatened the lives of every Congressperson unless they agreed to pass his "Patriot" Act. (Wellmon refused, and was killed, along with his entire family. The rest of Congress capitulated immediately.)

Clearly, to a writer, when reality contradicts what is supposed to be, and what we are told is so, the resulting cognitive dissonance will result in thousands of words trying to set the record straight.

Especially the case now that it's become clear that Dubya was only the second-worst president ever.

9/11 And The Politics Of Fear

By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 2729
Topics: #Politics #9/11 #Bush #Cheney
It's so easy to get people to acquiesce when you keep them in terror.

The defining moment of the George W. Bush presidency was the one in which jets destroyed the World Trade Towers and plowed into a wall of the Pentagon. And yet, the popular consciousness—thanks to the corporate-owned media—still thinks the attack was carried out by "Muslim Terrorists™", despite the lack of any proof and the preponderance of evidence that Dick Cheney was, in fact, behind it all.

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Corporate Greed in the Bush Era

By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 3727
Topics: #Politics #CorporateGreed #Bush #Cheney
Republicans are traditionally the party of 'Big Business', so it shouldn't surprise anyone that, when Republicans are in power, so is Big Business.

George W. Bush, as a failed businessman (three bankruptcies), of course has the ear of Big Business. More to the point, all his advisors are from the ranks of Big Business. So, even when he doesn't proactively benefit them, the atmosphere his administration has created encourages corporations to break the laws meant to protect those corporations' stockholders. Fortuntealy, thanks to the Internet, that corruption now becomes public knowledge pretty quickly.

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Republican Corruption in the Bush Era

By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 5515
Topics: #Politics #RepublicanCorruption #Bush #Cheney
Ever since Ronald Reagan, Republican politicians have increasingly used their office to rip off the ignorant fools who keep voting for them.

Once upon a time, the Democratic Party was the "Party of Corruption". But Democrats voted those bastards out, because, for Liberals, honest government is far more important than party loyalty. Republican voters, on the other hand, keep voting against their own self-interests because they would rather believe their media leaders (Rush Limbaugh and Fox "News") than actually do any reseach on their own. Poor dears.

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Gay Rights in the Bush Era

By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 4434
Topics: #Politics #GayRights #Bush
It's hard to believe now, but once marriage equality didn't seem to have a chance. Thank the gods, love won out.

Once upon a time, the Democratic Party was the "Party of Corruption". But Democrats voted those bastards out, because, for Liberals, honest government is far more important than party loyalty. Republican voters, on the other hand, keep voting against their own self-interests because they would rather believe their media leaders (Rush Limbaugh and Fox "News") than actually do any reseach on their own. Poor dears.

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Media in the Bush Era

By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 2679
Topics: #Politics #Media #Bush
The Bush Administration's use of media to spin American's support for his illegal war, didn't happen to benefit him. It benefitted Big Defense who made billions from it.

War is Big Business, and America has been at war non-stop for 222 years out of 239 (since 1776). Big Defense partially owns all media outlets (along with Big Pharma) and that's where virtually all Americans get their news; so it shouldn't surprise any impartial observer that most Americans think war is a good thing. Or, so we are told by the media…!!

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Religious Politics in the Bush Era

By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 2810
Topics: #Politics #ReligiousPolitics #Bush
Religion and politics have always been bedfellows, because both are used to control the masses.

Prior to the founding of the the United States of America, the idea of separating Church and State would have seemed ridiculous. After all, religion had always been used to control and maintain support from the masses for the ruler of a country. But our Founding Fathers had different ideas. Unfortunately, and despite the fact that it's technically an act of treason, religious Americans can't wait to throw out the one thing that actually does make America great.

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